Mould Centre Bearing Conversions
Do you want free running of the mould tables and to cut the shimming of cast iron wear rings and expensive down time? We can now offer you a mould centre bearing conversion to cure all your problems. This is based on a split bearing enabling so there will be no more column removal when problems occur! This conversion also helps to prolong the life of the gearbox, and enables slew pressures to be reduced. You need this conversion!
Quick Change Drain Plates
They say that some of the most simple of solutions can be the best! Here's one for your drain plates!! Install the Forest Press quick change drain plates and eliminate the awkward brass fixing pins! Changing your drain plates couldn't be easier!
Hydraulic Power Packs
Press power packs can be retro-fitted to allow the old style hydraulics to be removed. Together with the hydraulics we offer a range of oil cooling units, main oil supply tanks and support structures to accommodate single or three mould machines.
PLC Systems
Forest press prepare, program, modify and support two types of PLC system, 'Allen Bradley ' & Mitsubishi', we can offer new systems, modifications to old or just technical advice if a problem arises, you can be assured that all equipment supplied is fully supported with our electrical engineer, and programming engineer support is always on hand.
If you wish to upgrade your equipment please call to arrange a consultation.